Importance of Computer Shutdown

Importance of Computer Shutdown 
Every time we use the computer, once completed we shall make the shutdown process. however, usually some users sometimes prefer males waiting for the shutdown process is rather long, so just matiin from the power button or from the outlet. If we are too often shut down the computer by turning off the electrical connection to the computer without doing a shutdown process, there are several obstacles that will happen: 1. At the time of the process of re-registering the computer will shutdown the computer components are used (used) and software and data used or that the delete. If we turn off the computer directly, then the component or software and data used can not be stored into the registry, so if there is a problem on a computer then the computer can not run system recovery based on the date or time on the set. 2. At the time of shutdown process, the processor provides instructions to the Bios to stop all work equipment components, so the current or power is disconnected normally unused. But if we turn off the computer immediately then the components of a sudden death without breaking the normal flow so that over time will cause damage to computer components. 3. At the time of the shutdown fan / computer fans will work two times faster for processor cooling process, if we turn off the computer directly, then cooling the processor is not working normally then over time the processor can be damaged. 4. At the time of the shutdown system memory will be emptied, so that when the computer is used again then the memory is really in a refresh state, if we turn off the computer directly it is possible that memory could be damaged. 5. At the time of the shutdown Hard work to store the data ordered by Processor and software components as well as copying data into the computer's registry, hard drive will then head back to the starting position (the position does not read the hard disk). If we turn off the computer directly then in addition to data and software components are not stored in the registry, also the position of head Harddisk located in the middle of the cylinder hard drive, so that when the computer is turned back can damage the cylinder, causing Hard Disk Bad sector and the possibility of hard drive gets corrupted MBR , over time will cause the hard drive is damaged. That is why at the time of old computer shutdown process to die. Therefore if you turn off your computer should have to do the shutdown process in advance, if we do not want any problems of damage to computer systems, both software and its hardware. may be useful


district16 said...

nice info for how to shutdown computer

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