welcome to the blog computer .. may be useful, I will discuss about the computer world,,,
definition computer...
definition computer...
Computers are tools used to process the data according to procedures that have been formulated. Computer word originally used to describe people who perkerjaannya perform arithmetic calculations, with or without assistive devices, but the meaning of this word is then transferred to the machine itself. Originally, the processing of information is almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.
In this definition there are tools such as slide rules, mechanical calculators types ranging from abacus and so on, until all contemporary electronic computers. The term better suited for a broad sense such as "computer" is "that process information" or "information processing system."
Nevertheless, the above definition includes many special tools that can only account for one or several functions. When considering modern computers, their most important properties that
distinguish them from earlier computing devices is that, given the right programming, any computer can emulate any nature (although perhaps limited by storage capacity and different speed), and, it is believed that current machines can mimic our computing devices will created in the future (though undoubtedly more slowly). In a sense, these limits are a useful test because the computer recognizes "general intent" of special-purpose devices early. The definition of "public purpose" can be formulated into a requirement that a machine must be able to emulate a universal Turing machine. Machines meeting this definition is known as a Turing-complete, and that they first appeared in 1940 in the midst of developments around the world. See the article history of computing for more details of this period.
Embedded Computers
In about 20 years, many household appliances, specifically including video game consoles, but also includes mobile telephones, video cassette recorders, PDAs and many in the household, industrial, automotive, and other electronic equipment, all of which contain electronic circuits such as computer who qualify on the Turing-complete (with a note that the program of the tool is often hardwired into a ROM chip which would need to be replaced to change the programming of the machine). Other special purpose computer commonly known as a "microcontroller" or "computer unders" (embedded computer). Therefore, many of which restrict the definition of computers to devices whose primary purpose is information processing, rather than being part of a larger system such as telephone, microwave oven, or plane, and can be modified for various purposes by the user without any physical modification. Mainframe computers, minicomputers, and personal computers (PCs) are the main types of computers this definition.
How Computers Work
While the technologies used in digital computers have changed dramatically since the first computers of the 1940s (see History of the hardware count for more detail), most still use the von Neumann architecture proposed in the early 1940s by John von Neumann . Von Neumann architecture describes a computer with four main sections: Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), control unit, memory, and input and output devices (collectively termed I / O). This section is connected by wire beam, "bus". In this system, memory is a sequence of numbered (like "cells" or "pigeon holes"), each containing a small piece of information. This information may be a command to tell the computer what to do. Cells may contain data that the computer needs to perform a command. Each slot may contain one, and what is now the data may then be a command.
The memory stores various forms of information as binary numbers. The information will be solved without form binary (encoded) with a number of instructions that convert it into a sequence of numbers or figures. For example: The letter F is stored as a decimal number 70 (or binary digits) using one method of solving. More complex instructions that can be used to store images, sound, video, and various kinds of information. The information can be stored in a single cells called a byte.
In general, memory can be rewritten over millions of times - the memory can be likened to a blackboard and chalk that can be written and erased again, rather than write a book with a pen that can not be deleted.
The size of each cell, and cell numbers, a great change from computer to computer, and technology in manufacturing has changed a great memory - from electromechanical relays, to a tube filled with mercury (and later spring) in which the acoustic pulse is formed, until a matrix of permanent magnets, to individual transistors, to integrated circuits with millions of transistors on a single silicon chip.
The word "computer"
Over the years there have been several slightly different meanings to the word 'computer', and several different words for things we now usually call a computer.
For instance "computer" once commonly used to mean people employed to do arithmetic calculations, with or without engine assist. According to the Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology, the word is used in English in 1646 as the word for "people who count" and then before 1897 also for "mechanical calculators". During World War II, the word refers to the U.S. and British women workers whose jobs take into account the way artillery big war with such machines.
Charles Babbage designed one of the first calculating machine called the Analytical Engine, but due to technological problems are not built in his lifetime. A variety of simple mechanical devices such as a slide rule kind have also been called a computer. In some cases they were referred to as "analog computers", as they represent numbers by continuous physical quantities rather than in addition to the binary digits are different. What are now called "computers" were once commonly called "digital computers" to distinguish them from these other devices (which is still used in the field of analog signal processing, for example).
It's the thought of another word for computer, it is observed that prices in other languages chosen words do not always have the same literal meaning as the English word. In French for example, the word is "ordinateur", which means approximately "organizer", or "sorting machine". In the Spanish used the word "ordenador", with the same meaning, although in some countries they use anglicism computadora. In Italian, the computer is "calcolatore", calculator, pressed using computational logic behind such a sorting. In Swedish, a computer is called "dator" of "data". Or at least the 1950's, they are called "matematikmaskin" (math engines). In Chinese, a computer is called "Deen lake" or an "electric brain". In English, other words and phrases have been used, such as "data processing machines". So much from me, may be useful.
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